It doesn’t know it’s position, number of opponents in the hand, or what happened on a previous betting round. The problem with OPI is that it just doesn’t include enough variables to program a winning bot. They all claim to be winning profiles of course. There is a decent-sized community of OPI-based botters who trade and sell profiles for Online Poker Inspector. The developer’s name is Ron and that website is still in business as well.
That was a pretty good piece of software known as Pokerbot Plus. I mean, why do you need a piece of software to tell you to take the actions that you already told it to tell you to take? Anyway I started hanging around the OPI forum and a guy posted about a bot he developed and was starting to sell so I purchased it and joined his website and forum. It was pretty fun, but I couldn’t see any use for it other than programming a bot to follow it’s signals. So I purchased the OPI software and started fiddling with it. OPI is a real-time odds calculating program that you configure to give you betting/folding/raising signals for Limit Holdem. One of the things the short report recommended was making a simple script to push the poker room buttons based on actions fed by another piece of software called Online Poker Inspector (now simply referred to as OPI by the poker botting crowd). The amazing thing is that product is still for sale today! I have no idea what it has evolved into by now, but since the guy ran a shady, misleading hustle in the beginning it’s probably a fairly safe assumption that it’s still garbage. I was one of the early few who got their refund requests honored, but from what I heard later he stopped honoring refund requests because every single customer requested one.
What it turned out to be was a short report telling you that poker bots can be programmed, gave you a few ideas on how the structure of them can be designed, recommended that you learn how to program so you can make your own, and threw in an example of what was supposed to be a working script for Party Poker. The first such product ever to become available was called Pokerbot Pro.

The road has been very rocky, to say the least. I probably have purchased every single one that has ever been for sale, including a few outright scams. I started tinkering with online poker bots since they first hit the scene four or five years ago.

My story is quite a bit longer than that actually, so let’s start at the beginning. All I did was join the tournament and when I was seated I pressed start on the pokerbot software. As I am writing this page my poker bot just made the final table of a 90-player tournament as the clear chip leader.